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Monday, May 13, 2019


 Nancy Barra, "Dreaming", Egg tempera on wood, 9" x 12", from:Nancy Barra Contemporary Art/Arte Contemporáneo

"To think that I have spent so much energy in defining my identity, solidifying my self-esteem and collecting achievements to just reach the simple conclusion that I have been seeking to satisfy my ego!", she reflected that day by the ocean.

                                         What is ego

"Is it defining ourselves in terms 
of self-importance as defined by societal standards?" 
she asked herself.

"And how much time do we spend defining and defending our ego? Perhaps our entire life," she asked, remembering her mother when she looked up at the sky searching for answers.

Nancy Barra, "Julia in the sky," Pastel, 12" x 9,  from:Nancy Barra Contemporary Art/Arte Contemporáneo

"We have that intrinsic need to feel important, valued, respected and admired, which has been the primordial cause of our anguish, pain and fear. It explains why many of our leaders throughout the history of human civilization have initiated wars, killed people, conquered new territories, controlled resources and manipulated the masses," she continued reflecting.

Copyright © 2017, "The Five Most Important Battles of the Ancient Greek Wars", from

"Our ego is linked to the definition of what we are in our societies. This definition -in a broad sense- commonly includes: our gender, sexual preferences, race, physical appearance, religion, occupation or activity, level of formal education, income and/or material resources, and social background of the family/community we belong to", she reasoned.

"For example, concerning gender, women have been historically relegated after men, because our activity has been defined primordially by our capacity to procreate and raise our children, which is, by the way, the most important activity of all", she concluded.

Nancy Barra, "La Pachamama", acrylic on canvas, 16" x 12" from: Nancy BarraContemporary Art/Arte Contemporáneo.

"It has been so difficult for me to just define myself as a temporary being on this planet and be happy about it!"

"I have struggled to understand that I am a minuscule spark of energy in an infinite cosmos! Very insignificant and magical at the same time." 

Nancy Barra, Photography: "Message to the world" Andrews' Point, Massachusetts.

"It has also been a struggle for me to be sincerely humble and recognize that it is a miracle that I am alive and that, one unexpected day, I will stop being, like it will eventually happen to all of us. Have you thought about it?", she asked looking at an imaginary audience.

 Nancy Barra, "Interrupted"Oil on canvas 28" x 22, from:Nancy BarraContemporary Art/Arte Contemporáneo 

"The origin of life and its end is the only thing that matters because it helps me to feel in unity with others, insofar as we share a journey in between with the same beginning and end". 

"Birth and death are the only two equalizers for all mankind, independently of the, I-ego", she said to herself.

                                     First cry....

Copyright  © 2017 Clinica, Guía de Supervivencia para Madres Primerizas Internacional: Recibiendo al recién nacido.


                                       ... And...

Copyright © 1890 Van Goh,"Sorrowing Man ("At Eternity´s Gate) in  

"How have I wasted my time trying to define myself and even letting others to define my worth with such a list of unending criteria and requirements? This has only helped me to separate myself from others and not realize what intrinsically unites us all. I let myself be deceived by appearances. I was wrong," she reflected, looking at the waves. 

 Nancy Barra "Reflexionando en Azul", Photography, Andrew´s Point, Massachusetts

Leaning on a table, she said:"Years have passed. However, it is not too late. I still have time to live the rest of my life being thankful and humble." 

Nancy Barra, "Ancient Wisdom" Pastel over Watercolor on paper, 16" X 12", from:Nancy BarraContemporary Art/Arte Contemporáneo 

"Thankful enough to enjoy the beauty of nature and the gestures of generosity and creativity of many people in this world." 

"Humble enough to realize the insignificance of the "I" and the importance of the "we", she finally concluded.


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